Buy One Give One On Our All New Bar Soap This Independence Day

Our new and improved bar soap is here, and in honor of Independence Day, we wanted to do something a little special.

We love this country, and the freedom we celebrate here, but we know that freedom comes at a cost, which is why we have been working with our friends over at Soldier's Angels the last few years.

Soldier's Angels sends care packages of supplies, treats, and comforts to our deployed service men and women overseas, to bring them just a little taste of home while they are away fighting to defend that freedom.

Last year you helped us send a shipment of bar soap to the troops, and they loved it!

So in honor of Independence Day, now through July 5th, for every bar of soap you buy, we will send one to a deployed servicemember overseas on your behalf.

This is just one small way that we as a community can say thank you to the brave people who sacrifice so much for us, our freedom, and the country that we all love so much!

So make sure you grab your soap today, and help support our troops in the process.

Thank you all for making this possible, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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