"The Regular Guys" Episode 3: Gratitude

"Did you see that video Jones posted?" I said to Dusty. "He and some buddies made breakfast burritos for a few dozen people experiencing homelessness in downtown Phoenix. Super inspiring, man."

"Yeah, man," Dusty said. "I loved it. Maybe we should have him on The Regular Guys and encourage brothers to give back in their own way? The world needs it more than ever."

It was a quick conversation...

But we're hoping the impact could be MUCH bigger!

So we invited Jones on this episode of The Regular Guys...

To help us turn "gratitude" into a verb.

This year has challenged us all in various ways. A lot of people are struggling.

But whatever situation you're in, we're all grateful for something .

This holiday season, we encourage you to give back to others in any way you're able to.

Maybe it's calling someone you haven't spoken with in a while. Or paying for the person behind you in the drive-thru. Heck, maybe it's just holding the door open for someone!

Whatever it is, we want to hear about it. Hit us up on Facebook or Instagram with your way of making a difference in the world using the hashtag #BeardItForward.

Let's be the light in a dark world.

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