
Anthony Mink |

"Courage is not the absence of fear, it's embracing it, welcoming it, and moving forward in spite of it!"

As you head into a new week, we wanted to remind you that regardless of where you are right now...

You are exactly where you are meant to be and the only thing that is separating you from where you are and where you wanna go is...

Having the courage to do what is necessary. The courage to take bold, brave action in pursuit of your dreams!

As you head into today, tomorrow, and every day...

Be the kind of man who dares to face life's many challenges head-on, growing through them with bold, brave, courageous action.

Hemingway said it best when he said, "Courage is grace under pressure."

Don't let the pressure of life harden you, let it sharpen you.

Have an amazing week, and let us know if there is anything we can do to support you.

Until next time,

Live Bold, live Brave, live Courageous, live Bearded.

P.S. We have a big announcement dropping tomorrow. Keep an eye out for it... something new is coming! 🗻🏔️🏕️🏞️