Tattoos and Kindness

mindset • videos     
Ben York |

At Live Bearded, our mission is to help beardsmen look, feel and be their best.

So it might not come as a surprise that having a company motto like that allows us to meet some pretty remarkable people all the time!

And one of those guys is most definitely Joshua Coburn.

Looking at Joshua, you'll probably notice two things right off the bat: 

  • Epic tattoos
  • Amazing beard 

But there is so much more to him than meets the eye. 

Joshua has been inspiring a positive revolution all his life - online and in person. In fact, his work impacts the lives of tens of thousands of people all over the world on a daily basis.

As a motivational speaker, Joshua adapts each event to speak into the participating audience to motivate action. He breaks through the stereotypes inspiring his audience to overcome obstacles, be comfortable in their own skin, and pay kindness forward.

He also provides daily tools to realize goals and reveal your essential power in order to effortlessly align your mind & body for living a confident, fulfilling life.

One of those tools is his inspiring social media posts. 

If you scroll through his Instagram, you are sure to find a message that resonates with you. Whether it's reminding you to live with gratitude or simply to focus on doing something kind for people every day, Coburn is the kind of guy we greatly respect here at Live Bearded. 

Take a look at some of his posts below, and give him a follow on Instagram

From us here at Live Bearded, thank you for the inspiration, Joshua!