2017 World Beard And Mustache Championship - Top 10

If you sadly missed out on the 2017 World Beard and Mustache Championship, it's your lucky day because we compiled our favorite beards (and mustaches) from the event and put them right here for your convenience.

If you're not familiar with the event, let's just say these men (and women) leave all of us beardsmen feeling a bit of BEARD ENVY!

The competition has evolved quite a bit since 1990, and has become equal parts beard and art. The 2017 event just wrapped up over the weekend in Austin, Texas, and it definitely did NOT disappoint!

A BIG thank you goes out to our brother Greg Anderson who was on the scene capturing these beastly beards for us al to envy!

Here are the Top 10 Beards from the 2017 World Beard and Mustache Championship

(In no particular order)


If this doesn't impress you I'm not sure what will....#BeardGoals


Each braid has more beard than most beards


I mean...who wouldn't want to be this guy???




Ok Ok....I wasn't in the competition (this year)...but I'm coming for you 2019!!!

5. (The Real #5)

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na... BATMAN!


What's more American than a majestic BEARD??? #RunForrest


I wish this was my Grandpa...


And my crazy Uncle...


His beard looks like a bunch of Olympic Golds medals! And he deserves them ALL


This guy gives me some serious stache envy...


Oh...we said 10 didn't we? Well this is just to badass not to include!!!

Huge congrats to ALL those who participated in the event this year. It was fun to watch and see the creativity amongst the best in the beard game!

We are always here to support you all and answer any questions you might have. Whether it's product related, styling related, or just about anything at all. Don't hesitate to reach out to us anytime at support@livebearded.com or on Facebook .

If you found this article helpful, hit the SHARE button and spread the beard love! As always, Live Bearded Brother!

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