The Beardsmen Podcast Episode 2

Nathan Daggett |

Welcome Back!

We are excited to bring you the second episode of our brand new podcast: The Beardsmen!

This podcast is our opportunity to sit down with you all and answer any questions you may have, and just talk about the experience of being a man in the world today.  As we say at the opening of each episode this is where we talk, mock, and never walk away from the conversation.

Today we are answering hard hitting questions, like why the hell is Mink so tan, and does pineapple belong on pizza?

Also, like everyone else in the world I think we were legally obligated to chime in on the Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce situation.

We will also cover how to pick the right beard style for your face shape, and the boys will share some of the most impactful books they have ever read.

As always, we finish up with our Do Better Dude Of The Week, Alvin Irby, who is fostering a hunger to learn in children while building a business full of strong male role models for kids.

Join The Conversation:

If you want us to feature your question in an upcoming episode, drop your questions in the comments or better yet email them directly to us at


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