What is Considered a Beard?

Spencer Bryce |

After shaving my beard off, the first week was more awkward than a sixth grade school dance, and I couldn't wait for it for it to grow back in.

Not only did people not recognize me, but I didn't recognize myself! 

It wasn't until after a few weeks that people started commenting that I was looking "normal" or "familiar" again.

And this got me thinking...

At what point after putting the razor down is your new facial hair considered a beard? 

After some reflection and based on some feedback from others, here's what we think.

3 Ways Your Facial Hair is a Beard

1. Your Intention

We believe a beard is a beard when you set the razor down intentionally with the goal of growing a beard. Even though the world doesn't see you as having a beard, you've made the decision of growing one and to us, that qualifies just fine.

In this picture I'm two weeks into my regrowth.

You can clearly see I have some hair coming back, but it's not going to appear like a beard to everyone else until you hit this next step.

2. When You Outline Your Beard Shape

This step might be the most important because it'll let the world know that you're facial har is actually a beard by setting your lines to create your beard shape.

This will quickly take you from looking like you're just being lazy or coming back from vacation, and make it clear that you're growing with a goal in mind.

The three lines you need to line up are the cheek line, back line, and neckline.

Keep your cheek lines as high as naturally possible and only trim away any rogue hairs growing above the bulk of your beard.

Keep your back line naturally running off the back of your sideburn and only trim away the hairs that grow back towards the back of your neck. 

Keep your neckline about a fingers distance above your adams apple. Too often guys trim this line too high!

You can check out the full video here.

3. When You Groom It

Beard grooming doesn't need to be an overly complicated process, but it's amazing what just a couple of minutes can do to for your look, confidence, how you feel about yourself, and how other people perceive you.

At the absolute most basic level, you should be combing or brushing your beard before walking out the door. To grow and groom a great looking beard, it doesn't stop there.

Even short beards should be applying beard oil daily to keep your skin moisturized, eliminate beard itch, and help your beard grow healthy and full.

A boars hair brush is great for short beards as well to get the hairs to grow in the same direction and bring circulation to the face which can help wake up dormant hair follicles and promote growth. 

As your beard grows longer, it does take a little more grooming but still doesn't have to take more than a few minutes in front of the mirror.

And this is what we're here for!

Our mission is to help Beardsmen look, feel, and be their best.

We are your guide to make your beard growth journey as easy as possible.

There are undoubtedly questions that come up during this process and we've been through them all, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need anything at all.

Thanks for your support and as always,

Live Bearded, Brother!